• Senior pastor - rev. raymond van buskirk

    Pastor Raymond was called to St. Peter in 2021.  He  is a second career pastor, having graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.  Pastor Raymond specializes in pastoral ministry, Bible study and preaching.  He is married to his best friend, Martha.  He can be reached at email.

    (If the email link is not working for you, you can copy and paste the Pastor's email address:  pastor.raymond@stpeterdowntownhouston.org )

  • missions pastor - REv. jose r. argueta

    As Pastor Jose was officially installed at St. Peter he was also ordained as a pastor of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, following his graduation from the Concordia Seminary.  Pastor Jose shares church support duties with Pastor Raymond, in addition to his world-wide outreach as a Missions Pastor.  While he is usually in town, Pastor Jose offers a Spanish language summary of each Sunday's sermon.  When Pastor Raymond is out of town, Pastor Jose leads the congregation through the entire worship service as he also delivers the sermon for the week.  Pastor Jose also assists with teaching Bible classes and offering pastoral counseling, in addition to supporting several church ministry programs.

Our Pastors

St. Peter is blessed with experienced pastors who have many talents and sincere hearts for service.

The church harkens back to its roots as San Pedro church in 1936, as it has installed a Spanish-language missions pastor

who expands the evangelical outreach of this Lutheran church to the growing Latino community of Houston.